Tech Art

Perforce “Cannot mkdir” Error

I ran into an issue setting up my own Perforce server recently where I could not submit local files to a depot I had created manually. Perforce threw all manner of errors including “cannot mkdir <depotname>” etc. etc. etc. Looking online, it seemed like the issue ran much deeper than it actually was. The problem, I found out, was that when I made the new depot I had set its mapping as “//<depotname>/…”, which is wrong. All depot mappings in Perforce need to be “<depotname>/…” because they are mapped to the p4root directory.

Tech Art

Building Tech Art Infrastructure I

This is a summation of the discussion and progress I’ve reported so far, and will continue to do (until such time as my employment at Vigil ends… at the end of the month), on this thread

First, some background. When I started at Vigil as an Environment Artist, the extent of Tech Art at the studio was a few tools that had been created for Darksiders I back in 2007. Few people at the company know MaxScript, or Python, and the Environment Art team had no one to go to if they thought of something that needed automation. If those people existed, their presence wasn’t well-publicized. In my first few weeks, I noticed myself hitting the same buttons hundreds of times to do the same things. I pinged h6x6n to give me a hand and automate one of these things, and in the process acted as an intermediary between him and Max to make sure the code worked. From there, the artists immediately around me started to request other automated macros. A few months later I was adding these scripts and others into our official toolset, had access to the code branch, and spent more and more time writing tools both in Python and Maxscript. The scope of the tools I was writing grew, the number of teams I was assisting grew, I started talking to programmers, helping producers generate reports on various pieces of data in the game. I was a tech artist. Familiar story, yes? It all goes down hill from there…

Tech Art

Player Position-based Material

Recently, a coworker posed a question to me:
“How do you pass the player position to a material in UDK?”

“Well, couldn’t you just use the CameraWorldPosition node? The player and the camera are so close together the effect should be enough, right?” replied I.

“That could work, but I want to do a far-back third-person camera,” he countered.

“Oh…” I said.

After attempting a solution that was, admittedly, rather hacky involving trying to programmatically derive the location of the player based off a known distance between the camera and the player, I opted for something that could be considered hacky, but is as close to a programatic solution as an artist can get.