
Minecraft Diaries

I started playing Minecraft recently, and I found the game to be fairly conducive to constructing a narrative. As I was carrying on through the world, I was indeed writing my avatar’s story in my head.  This is his story:

Day 1

I awoke, hot, covered in sand, under a strange sky. Thirsty.

I set about to find drinkable water, to explore my surroundings. No luck on the water, I lashed out at the sand and rock. The sand gave, the dirt gave. Beneath the sand and the dirt I found rock. Rock was not as forgiving.

As I came around the small island I arrived upon, I found the most wonderous rock formation ahead of me. A cliff overhanging a small bay, supported by a small column of rock on another outlying island. This looked defensible, I heard wolves in the distance. Perhaps I could make a stand here. I knew I would need sand to create a bridge between my new home and the mainland, and dug at the sand around the base of the overhang’s support. Water quickly rushed to fill the gaps left by the sand.

Then I dug too far. I cracked open a hole into a large cavern beneath my new home, and quickly found myself deep into the cavern, pushed by the ravenous water.

Water, always looking to fill, to maintain the balance.

Looking into the pure blackness of this cavern, I knew I wanted to explore its depths more. That will wait. I need fire to see. Still working on that, fire.

I continued my work on gathering sand well into the evening. As the sun set I once again was pushed into the mystery. Now, though, there was no light from above. I could not move for fear of being swept into the current, and carried deep into the mystery. So I slept.

Day 2

Finally, light peeks through the small opening I left in the sand. Light fought back the mystery and let me escape without fear.

This morning I searched for wood. I had a sharp piece of flint and gathered a fair bit of wood, and some sticks. Mysteriously, the leaves stay aloft even after their tree has been felled.

Animals approached me, a chicken, sheep, and cow. The chickens yielded feathers, the sheep, wool. The cows have yet to give me any benefit. I may need to domesticate some of these animals near my new home.


OH! A pig just wandered by. Perhaps it will yield food.


I will camp upon the top of my new home tonight. Surveying the land around me. I dug a deep ditch to prevent anyone from creeping up on me in the night.

Day 3

Across the water, I saw a humanoid form light aflame. Curious. The first man I see, and he disappears before I can reach him. I will seek out his remains later.

More lumber gathering.

I need tools.

I lack a proper fuel source for flame.

In the night, I see glowing red eyes across the water. I thought perhaps my flint was sufficient to defend myself. I was wrong.

I died.

And immediately awoke upon the beach. I was disoriented, and all the resources I had gathered were across the way. I sat on the sand, and await the dawn.

By Ozzy

Graduated in May 2011 from Ringling College of Art and Design with BFA in Game Art and Design. Tech Artist with strong work ethic, organization and time management skills, initiative, adaptability, and communications skills.

- Darksiders II (in production)
- Saints Row: The Third (Art Intern)

3DS Max 2012
Unreal Development Kit
Maya 2011
Photoshop CS5
3DS Max 2010
Unreal Kismet
Dreamweaver CS3
Premiere Pro CS5
Mudbox 2011
zBrush 4
Corel Painter XI

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